Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Benefits of Gaming While Standing

In the Golden Ages of arcade gaming, playing while standing was extremely common. We’re sure you have memories of standing in front of your favorite arcade games for hours at a time, or at least until you ran out of quarters. Looking back, playing arcade games while standing never received the credit it deserved for keeping kids active, much more so than when playing PC or console games. Many companies interested in encouraging healthy lifestyles are now offering standing desks to their employees, with many of them enjoying the change. Since this trend has exploded in recent years, we decided to outline some of the benefits of gaming while standing to promote healthy gaming habits in arcade fans young and old.

Promotes Healthy Living

Scientists have long studied the effects of sitting vsstanding dating back to as far as the 1950s. Those who spend their work day sitting were at a much higher risk of heart attacks and heart failure than those who had jobs that kept them on their feet. Having a sedentary job combined with a lack of exercise increased the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as well as a host of other issues related to the heart, sugar levels in the blood, obesity, and the metabolism. A lack of physical activity has shown to increase the risks for certain types of cancers, as well.

Makes Gaming More Interactive

We all remember standing around an arcade machine watching our friends go head-to-head or trying to break a high score. You’re more likely to bob and weave when gaming while standing and be more animated with your friends in victory, as well as in defeat. The high fives and chest bumps don’t happen when you’re sitting down and you’re not getting any hugs laying on the couch. Standing naturally lends to a more communicative type of gaming and brings people together in a more interactive way.

Decreased Neck & Back Pain

It can be difficult to determine why your neck and back may be hurting. But, it’s a good chance that it is all thanks to sitting down for extended periods of time. When we think we are sitting comfortably, we are most likely hunched over or sitting in a position that does not promote proper posture. Sitting in these positions causes muscles to tighten and the heart rate to slow to a crawl. This slows the transfer of oxygen throughout the body, which is why many of those who live sedentary lives feel as if they have sore muscles and very little energy. Standing while gaming provides an opportunity for blood to flow more easily through the body preventing muscles from cramping over extended periods of time.

Game Longer & Better

Believe it or not, you can game longer and better if you play while standing. Oxygen levels to the brain decrease when you’re relaxed or in a seated position for long periods which slows your reaction time and mental acuity. Gaming while standing keeps your torso upright and naturally taking in more oxygen with each breathe. Your high scores and kill rates will definitely thank you!

Gaming while standing clearly has plenty of benefits. Every gamer should play some of the time while standing to give themselves a chance to breathe deep and enjoy games as they were originally intended. It’s more fun and will improve your gaming experiences in every way!

What are your best tips or favorite ways to game? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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